Our team of dedicated mechanical engineers will calibrate your high precision mechanical measuring equipment onsite or at our Calibration and Repair Centre.Learn More

We understand that stringent supplier qualification is essential, our calibration laboratories are Accredited to ISO/IEC17025* see accreditation schedule for details.Learn More

High Precision Engineering
Specialising in fully managed calibration services, and managing in excess of 25,000 items per your for multiple customers, our powerful Customer web portal will ensure your calibration compliance.Learn More

Facilities Management
Our multi-discipline UKAS Accredited & Traceable Calibration and Repair Centre assures your compliance.Learn More

We hold approved service centre status for flue gas analysers and our dedicated team of engineers can collect, repair and return your instrument within 3 days. Our multi-discipline UKAS Accredited & Traceable Calibration & Repair Centre can calibrate your electrical equipment, assuring a speedy and reliable service.Learn More

Heat Treatment
Our tempertaure calibration departmnet has calibration capabilites from -80 °C to 1200 °C, with UKAS Accredited calibration form -80 °C to 650 °CLearn More